Arctic Frost Satsuma
Citrus reticulata 'Gremoy 79'View more from Citrus Trees
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The Arctic Frostâ„¢ Satsuma is the most reliable citrus tree for growing outdoors, because it is hardy throughout zone 8. It has been bred for cold-resistance, but it is also delicious, with sweet fruits that keep that real citrus tang. They are very easy to peel, and virtually seedless. White flowers fill the air with orange-blossom fragrance in spring, and orange fruits are ripe by late fall and early winter. This tree grows no more than 12 feet tall outdoors, or 6 feet in a planter, and it is self-fertile, so a bumper crop is certain, even with just one tree.
The Arctic Frost™ Satsuma should be grown in full sun, and a spot in front of a south-facing wall is ideal in colder zones. It grows easily in ordinary well-drained soil, or in a planter with citrus potting soil and regular fertilizer. Potted trees can be brought into a bright, cool place during the coldest months. Pests and diseases are rare, and no pruning is needed. A simple hand-pollination will make sure your potted tree has a big crop – outdoor trees will be pollinated by bees.
Botanical Name:
Citrus reticulata 'Gremoy 79'
Mature Width:
4-6 ft
Mature Height:
8-12 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 8-10 (Outdoors)
Grows anywhere indoors
Sun Needs:
Full Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
Flowering Season: