Areca Palm Tree
Dypsis lutescensView more from Palm Trees
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The Areca Palm is the top choices for an indoor palm. It grows well in the lower light-levels found indoors, and in fact does not like to be in full sun. Unlike many other palm trees, it does not develop a single, upright trunk, but instead grows as a clump with numerous short stems at the base, and upright fronds, growing to 6 feet tall. This makes it perfect for the corners of rooms, and for rooms that do not have very tall ceilings. Its rich-green foliage, and graceful curving fronds bring an elegant and peaceful touch to any room, no matter what your decorating style is. For an easy to grow and beautiful palm, this has to be the top choice.
Choose a bright spot out of direct sun for your Areca Palm. Water it when the top few inches of the soil have become dry, and always water until some escapes from the drainage hole of the pot. Use ½ strength foliage-plant fertilizer regularly from spring to fall, and mist plants growing indoors regularly. You can place your tree outdoors in a bright, shady spot for the summer, when the night temperatures are above 55 degrees. Bring it inside when they fall back to that again. Avoid over-watering and mist plants indoors regularly – this is the best way to avoid any problems with pests or diseases.
Botanical Name:
Dypsis lutescens
Mature Width:
5-20 ft
Mature Height:
6-40 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 10
Sun Needs:
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
Flowering Season: