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All Posts (page 37)

Ficus Tree

At The Tree Center we think all trees are interesting, but we have to admit that some go beyond that into the territory of absolutely fascinating. A classic example of those are ficus…

How Fast Do Palm Trees Grow?

Palm trees conjure up a host of images, from idyllic tropical beaches to a life-saving oasis surrounded by miles of baked desert. Mostly we think of them as the backdrop to some spectacular…

What Is A Money Tree?

Since time out of mind trees have been surrounded by myth and legend, tied to the tree itself or artistic representations of it. Perhaps the most well-known example is one which very few…

Berries That Grow On Trees

If you want to grow your own fruit at home berries are some of the simplest – and tastiest – options. There’s an amazing variety of them, from plump and succulent strawberries to…

Moss on Trees

Trees aren’t just single organisms; over time they become the center of a whole complex ecosystem. Birds, insects and small animals will all make their homes in your tree. Some of them are…