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What Is a Perennial?

Gardeners throw around a lot of words, from Latin names to specialized botanical terms. Special language has always been used to create private groups of aficionados, making a club for ‘members only’. So…

Types of Oak Trees

Symbols of strength, endurance and longevity, oak trees appear in literature and art as well as in our gardens. The oak is the national tree of numerous countries, including the United States, England,…

Growing Bamboo

Bamboo plants have a special and unique appearance that adds a special touch to the garden. They are also fast-growing plants that can be used for screening, especially in narrow spaces, since some…

How To Kill Bamboo

Bamboo plants are popular for screening and as beautiful specimens in gardens, especially if you are creating an ‘oriental’ theme. However they also have a reputation for turning into problem plants, growing too…

Peach Tree Care

Having your own peach tree at home is an appealing thought. It’s a relatively fast-growing tree that usually starts producing fruit in its third year, so you can see results quite quickly –…