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All Posts (page 44)

How To Grow Strawberries

Of all the berry fruits, strawberries are certainly the most popular and the most versatile. Fresh, with cream, in shortcake, or in jams and preserves, they have so many uses and we never…

Trees For Cold States

Those who live in colder parts of the country may look in envy at the flowering trees and exotic shrubs in the gardens of their southern neighbors, but they do have a good…

Tree Stump Removal

Sometimes it’s time for your garden to say goodbye to a large old tree. Maybe you want a new look that it just won’t fit in to, or perhaps it’s become diseased and…

Skunk Repellent

Skunks are famous for their smelly spray. It’s hard to describe skunk odor to someone who’s never experienced it; anyone who has experienced it doesn’t need it explained, because it’s not something you’ll…

Pruning Roses

Roses have been a favorite with gardeners for millennia – archaeologists know that the Babylonians were growing ornamental roses 4,000 years ago, and many believe the tradition is even older than that. Roses…