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Bridal Veil Astilbe

Astilbe Arendsii Hybrid ā€˜Brautschleier'

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Bridal Veil Astilbe

Astilbe Arendsii Hybrid ā€˜Brautschleier'

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The Bridal Veil Astilbe is one of the most spectacular and beautiful of all the Astilbe plants, and that is saying something. One of the whitest ā€“ most others are creamy ā€“ it has tall, elegant spikes of flowers for weeks through summer, and blooms relatively early, starting in July. It is especially effective in shade and in evening light, where it glows luminously across the garden, when darker colors have already faded into the gloom. The glossy mid-green leaves resemble a fern, and form a broad clump up to 2 feet across, and standing about a foot tall. It makes an effective and dense ground cover. The flower stems rise another foot into the air, beautiful pyramids that slowly turn caramel brown, still looking effective well into the fall. Grow it in the shade beneath trees, mixed with Hosta, ferns and other shade-lovers, as edging along a shady path, or beside water, which it loves.

  • Dense cover of attractive mid-green leaves
  • Pyramidal spires of pure-white flowers
  • A perfect shade plant of great beauty
  • Grows well beside water and in any moist soil
  • Reliable, long-blooming and always attractive

Grow the Bridal Veil Astilbe will grow in full sun in cool zones, if you have consistently moist soil. Otherwise grow it with afternoon shade or in full, light shade, such as beneath tall trees. Its only requirement is moisture, and it wonā€™t grow in dry soil. Enrich the soil to hold water, and water frequently when young, and regularly through dry periods in summer. Not so successful in sandy soils or in very alkaline ones. Plant in wet ground beside water, but not directly in the water, or in sour, stagnant wet soil. It doesnā€™t suffer from any pests or diseases, and both deer and rabbits leave it alone. In late fall cut old flower stems and the leaves back to an inch tall ā€“ that, and attention to watering, is all the work needed to grow this beautiful plant to perfection.


Botanical Name:

Astilbe Arendsii Hybrid ā€˜Brautschleier'

Mature Width:

1-2 ft

Mature Height:

2-3 ft

Grows Well In:

Zones 4-8

Zone Map

Sun Needs:

Partial Sun, Shade

Water Needs:


Growth Rate:


Flower Color:


Flowering Season:
