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Zones 5–9

Cunningham's White Rhododendron

Rhododendron 'Cunningham's White'

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Cunningham's White Rhododendron

Rhododendron 'Cunningham's White'

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Among your collection of rhododendrons and azaleas, there should be a place for white. No color can unify other colors the way white can. It’ neutral tones compliment every other possible tone, and bridge the spaces between them. Unifying everything from sombre purples to riotous reds, white is the way to make your beds look as if they were designed by a top professional. For a great white, look no further than Cunningham’s White Rhododendron. Its large, glossy, dark-green leaves are the perfect backdrop for the clusters of 2 ½ inch flowers, opening right in the middle of the season. It’s a perfect choice for background planting, reaching 4 to 5 feet within 10 years, and as much as 10 feet tall and wide when fully mature. Formal enough for the most formal planting, but also terrific in woodland plantings, you can also consider creating an all-white bed or garden area – the height of garden sophistication.

  • Trusses of pure white blooms, each decorated with green/brown in the throat
  • Substantial background plant, capable of reaching 10 feet tall
  • The perfect color compliment to any and all other colors
  • Attractive glossy, dark-green leaves
  • Grow in acidic soils for best results

Plant Cunningham’s White Rhododendron in a shady place with some morning sun for the best growth. Grow it also in areas of full shade, if it is light and scattered, such as from overhead deciduous trees. Plant it in acidic soil, with a pH value below 6.0, and prepare the soil well with lime-free compost, rotted leaves and pine needles. The soil should also be well-drained, but not dry, as these plants are not drought tolerant, and may need watering during dry weather, even when well-established. Hardy in the warmer parts of zone 5, you can grow this variety over a large part of the country. Not eaten by deer, only rarely is it bothered by pests or diseases. No pruning is needed – or recommended – but when young you can remove spent flower heads once the petals fall, by snapping them off just above the top leaves. The foliage is toxic to most animals.


Botanical Name:

Rhododendron 'Cunningham's White'

Mature Width:

3-6 ft

Mature Height:

4-8 ft

Grows Well In:

Zones 5-9

Zone Map

Sun Needs:

Full Sun, Partial Sun, Shade

Water Needs:


Growth Rate:


Flower Color:


Flowering Season:
