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Dee-Lish® Rose - Tree Form

Rosa 'Meiclusif' Std.

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Dee-Lish® Rose - Tree Form

Rosa 'Meiclusif' Std.

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Sometimes only the beauty of a classic rose will do. That’s when you should turn to the Dee-lish® rose, the incarnation of perfection of the classic image of ‘rose’. Big, full and powerfully scented, the 4-inch blossoms are packed with petals in the flat-topped manner of vintage roses. The wonderful pink coloring is exactly the shade we expect a rose to be, and the profusion of blooms this bush produces, from early summer in flushes right into fall, is more than we could hope for. If you want a ROSE, then here it is, in all its colorful, scented beauty. With each bloom carried singly on a long stem it’s also perfect for cutting to enjoy in the house, or give as a gift.

A big, bold bush, expect the Dee-lish® Tree Rose to be 3 feet across and up to 6 feet tall in a single season. Enjoy delicious fragrance, delicious coloring, and let’s not forget this bush is also very resistant to all the major rose diseases, so no spraying needed. The rich green foliage stays clean and full right to the end of the season. A delicious option indeed.

  • Big, 4-inch fully-double blooms in the form of a vintage rose
  • Perfect intense rose-pink coloring is just so beautiful
  • Big, full perfume the way roses used to be
  • Very resistant to all major rose diseases, so foliage is always clean
  • Produces an abundance of blooms from early summer right into the fall

Be sure to plant your Dee-lish® Tree Rose in full sun, or you will get fewer blooms. Like all roses it enjoy rich, moist, but well-drained soil, including clay soils if they are opened up with plenty of compost or other organic materials. Although the bush is drought tolerant, continuous blooming depends on a good supply of water through summer, so water as needed. This variety has excellent resistance to all the rose diseases, so spraying isn’t needed, and any insects like aphids are easily dealt with by using our Neem Oil ready-to-use spray. Prune in spring, cutting back by about two-thirds to a framework of strong branches.


Botanical Name:

Rosa 'Meiclusif' Std.

Mature Width:

2-4 ft

Mature Height:

4-6 ft

Grows Well In:

Zones 7-9

Zone Map

Sun Needs:

Full Sun

Water Needs:


Growth Rate:


Flower Color:


Flowering Season:

Fall, Summer