Downy Jasmine
Jasminum multiflorumView more from Other Shrubs & Hedges
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The Downy Jasmine is an evergreen shrub with a mounding and slightly weeping form, growing up to 10 feet tall and wide, but easily trimmed to remain 3 to 5 feet tall. It is fast growing, quickly filling in to become a dense shrub. It has attractive oval leaves in pairs along the stems, and clusters of flowers form at the ends of the stems almost year-round. Each cluster produces many star-shaped pure-white flowers with a delicate musky scent, always looking charming and pure. Grow it on slopes or cascading over walls, beside a door or gate, or among shrubs. It could also be grown and flowered indoors for several years until it becomes too large.
Full sun to partial shade is fine for the Downy Jasmine, and it grows in almost all soils, even drier ones, with good drought resistance once established. It is generally free of pests or diseases and it can be trimmed and shaped at almost any time. In the house place in a sunny window, and grow in any houseplant soil with some sand added to it.
Botanical Name:
Jasminum multiflorum
Mature Width:
5-10 ft
Mature Height:
5-10 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 9-10
Sun Needs:
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
Flowering Season:
Spring, Winter