Lemon Zest Oso Easy® Landscape Rose
Rosa hybrid 'Chewhocan' (PP# 26,914)View more from Oso Easy® Roses
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The Lemon Zest® Oso Easy® Landscape is that most desirable of all roses, a reliable, easy to grow yellow rose, with abundant blooms that don’t fade. With over 50 blooms a year this rose is in flower continuously all summer long, and those bright, cup-shaped blossoms keep their canary yellow coloring in the heat and sunshine. It grows vigorously into a bushy shrub 2 or 3 feet tall and wide, making a great landscape and garden plant, in beds or along a path or driveway. If you love yellow, you will adore this rose.
The Lemon Zest® Oso Easy® Landscape Rose should be grown in full sun, in moist, rich, well-drained soil. Heavier soils with clay are superior to very light, sandy soils that dry out too quickly. Use mulch and rose fertilizer for the best growth and the most flowers. You never need to spray this rose, which has been bred to resist disease, and is so vigorous it shrugs off pests. A simple trimming in spring will keep it neat all year, and for low-maintenance gardening it is an obvious choice.
Botanical Name:
Rosa hybrid 'Chewhocan' (PP# 26,914)
Mature Width:
2-3 ft
Mature Height:
2-3 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 4-9
Sun Needs:
Full Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
Flowering Season:
Fall, Summer