Orange Rocket Barberry
Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Rocket' (PP #18411)View more from Barberry
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Orange Rocket Barberry is a new and exciting barberry bush with leaves that are a wonderful orange-red color. It forms a shrub that is 4 or 5 feet tall and just 2 or 3 feet across, a perfect size for a smaller garden, or for group planting in a larger one. The spring and summer foliage is orange-red, and then in fall the leaves turn brilliant shades of bright ruby-red, before falling for the winter. Yellow flowers followed by red berries in winter may also be produced by this colorful and useful plant. It is winter hardy all the way down to minus 30 degrees, and it also grows in all but the very hottest areas. This great plant can bring its bright colors to almost every garden across the country.
Plant your barberry bushes in a sunny position. It will also grow in partial-shade, but the color of the leaves will not be so strong. It will grow well in almost all soils, except for wet ones, and it is resistant to pests and diseases. It has sharp thorns, so it is not eaten even by deer, and the thorns also make it a terrific security plant beneath windows, along fences, or to protect other vulnerable parts of your property.
Botanical Name:
Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Rocket' (PP #18411)
Mature Width:
2-3 ft
Mature Height:
4-5 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 4-9
Sun Needs:
Full Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
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