Percy Wiseman Rhododendron
Rhododendron yakushimanum 'Percy Wiseman' (H-2)View more from Rhododendron
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Among rhododendrons there is a unique and coveted group called ‘yaku hybrids’. Bred from a rare Japanese species, they are renowned for their varying colors, and one, the Percy Wiseman Rhododendron, is among the most gorgeous. The 2-inch diameter flowers, held in dense rounded clusters of 15 blooms, are bright red in the bud, opening to a delicious purple-pink, then gradually adding creamy tones to end up a creamy white with a yellow throat. All the colors may be seen simultaneously in the beautiful truss. Making a spectacular and extravagant showing at the height of the rhododendron season, this really is a ‘must-have’ plant. Forming a compact, well-branched bush 3 feet tall in a decade, and double that at maturity, when not in bloom the elegant, 3-inch long leaves are glossy and bright green, creating a splendid evergreen foliage plant. Place it in a prime spot among your rhododendrons and azaleas, in any style of garden, from Asian-themed ones to natural woodlands, and everything in between.
For good results the Percy Wiseman Rhododendron should be planted in a spot with some morning sun, or in light shade – areas beneath open deciduous trees are ideal. It will also grow well in the shade at the foot of a north-facing wall or fence, and in the shadow-zone of larger trees. The soil should be acidic, with a pH value no more than 6.0, and preferably lower. It should be well-drained, but damp and rich, so add plenty of lime-free compost, pine needles, or shredded lime bark when planting. Use more for mulch over the root zone to preserve moisture and keep the soil cool. This plant is hardy in warmer parts of zone 6. It isn’t drought tolerant, so be prepared to water during dry spells, as needed. Deer don’t eat it and it is usually free of pest or disease problems when in suitable soil and light conditions. Pruning or trimming is not recommended.
Botanical Name:
Rhododendron yakushimanum 'Percy Wiseman' (H-2)
Mature Width:
3-6 ft
Mature Height:
3-5 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 6-9
Sun Needs:
Full Sun, Partial Sun, Shade
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
Pink, Red, White, Yellow
Flowering Season: