Prairie Fire Crabapple Tree
Malus hybrid 'Prairiefire'View more from Flowering Crabapple Trees
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The Prairie Fire Crab Apple is the perfect choice for lovers of vibrant color and easy-care plants. It has been specially bred to resist common apple diseases, so it always looks great, from spring to fall. The powerful deep-pink color of the flowers will bring your garden alive in May, and this tree grows well across a wide area, from cold zone 4 all the way into zone 8, covering almost all the country. The colorful flowers are followed by purple-red young leaves, which turn dark green in summer, and then take on powerful shades of orange in fall. The heavy crop of small dark-red crab apples covers the tree by fall, and they last into winter, long after the leaves have fallen, adding another season of beauty. Even the smooth, shiny bark is beautiful.
Your Praire Fire Crab Apple Tree will grow best in a sunny spot, or with just a little shade. It grows in most garden soils but avoid planting in very wet areas. Water regularly during the first growing season, but once it is established this tree is moderately drought resistant. Trees growing on sandy soils will need more water, and all trees benefit from mulch of compost or organic material placed over the root-area in spring. Unlike older types of crab apples, this tree has been bred to be resistant to most major diseases, and it will grow well with minimal attention.
Botanical Name:
Malus hybrid 'Prairiefire'
Mature Width:
15-20 ft
Mature Height:
15-20 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 4-8
Sun Needs:
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
Flowering Season: