Pussy Willow Tree
Salix capreaView more from Willow Trees
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Pussy Willow is a classic plant that brightens up indoor spaces in late winter. It has a long traditional association with Easter and spring, as the fat, fuzzy buds quickly sprout into large, bright-yellow bottle-brush flowers when cut branches are brought indoors. These bring the hope of spring into homes and churches long before spring arrives outdoors. It is an easy-to-grow large shrub or small tree that if left unpruned can reach 25 feet tall. However, it is usually pruned by cutting it close to the ground every year or two, so it can easily be kept to about 6 feet tall. This also makes it easier to harvest the young branches that have the flower-buds on them. As well as being grown for flowers, this plant is a great choice for an informal screen in damp soil, or to plant by ponds, streams, rivers and lakes. It will also grow well in ordinary garden soil.
Plant Pussy Willow in a sunny or partially-shaded spot in damp or normal soil. It grows well in both wet and regular garden soils, but if you have wet areas, this is a great choice, as many plants will not grow well in those conditions. It has no serious pests or diseases and grows rapidly. To control its size, cut as hard as needed – even right to the ground – in spring as soon as flowering is over. Wait a few years for the tree to become established and strong before doing this for the first time. Unlike larger willows, this tree is unlikely to create any problems with drainage systems.
Botanical Name:
Salix caprea
Mature Width:
12-15 ft
Mature Height:
12-25 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 4-8
Sun Needs:
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
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