Red Gold Nectarine
Prunus persica ‘Red Gold’View more from Nectarine Trees
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Without that annoying fuzz of peaches, nectarines can be eaten with the skin on, and are just as delicious as the best peach. For wonderful flavor and texture, the Redgold Nectarine Tree is hard to beat. Bite through the smooth, yellow flesh, blushed with red, into firm, juicy golden-yellow flesh that separates easily from the stone. Popular all across the country, it’s a vigorous tree that’s easy to grow – and nectarines don’t need another tree for cross-pollination. They do it all by themselves, meaning you only need one tree, so it’s a great choice for a smaller garden. Ripening in August, it’s a perfect summer treat for eating fresh and for all the uses you make of peaches, like pies, cakes and jams. The large pink flowers, carried on the bare branches in spring, make it a decorative tree too, perfect for any garden.
Plant the Redgold Nectarine Tree in a sunny spot, sheltered from cold winds. It grows best in moist but well-drained soil, preferring neutral or acidic soils to alkaline ones. Plant in a higher spot, not low-lying areas, if possible, to protect from late spring frosts. Although subject to several pests and diseases, these can be controlled sufficiently by using natural methods like Neem Oil, lime-sulfur and winter dormant oil. Prune in early spring, before growth begins, to develop an open, vase-shaped tree with 3 to 5 main limbs. Shorten back stems from the previous year by half and when older remove branches that are no longer bearing fruit. Thin fruit to one per cluster when they are 1 inch across, or you will have a big harvest of small fruits that are mostly stone.
Botanical Name:
Prunus persica ‘Red Gold’
Mature Width:
12-15 ft
Mature Height:
12-15 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 5-8
Sun Needs:
Full Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
Flowering Season: