Sunjoy Gold Pillar® Barberry
Berberis thunbergii 'Maria' (PP# 18,082)View more from Barberry
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For a dynamic color in your garden, choose the Sunjoy Gold Pillar® Barberry. It forms a dense, tight column of upright branches, making a striking specimen reaching 3 to 4 feet in height, and only 2 feet wide. The leaves are bright, sunny yellow all spring and through summer too, before turning brilliant oranges and reds in fall. The foliage doesn’t burn in summer, even in hot and dry conditions, and this plant will always look great, with almost no attention. Use it around your home for color, in beds as specimens or groups, or as a hedge. Use it in planter boxes and tubs for color with other lower plants around it.
The Sunjoy Gold Pillar® Barberry should be planted in full sun for the best color, and it thrives in any soil that is well-drained. That includes dry soils, gravels, urban conditions and garden soils of any type. Once established it is drought resistant, and untroubled by pests, diseases, deer or rabbits. Use some shrub fertilizer when growing in poor soil, and you can trim it into a hedge, or leave it to form a more casual one all by itself.
Botanical Name:
Berberis thunbergii 'Maria' (PP# 18,082)
Mature Width:
1.5-2 ft
Mature Height:
3-4 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 4-7
Sun Needs:
Full Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
Flowering Season: