Tanenashi Japanese Persimmon Tree
Diospyros kaki ‘Hiratanenashi'View more from Persimmon Trees
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The Tanenashi Japanese Persimmon Tree is a small tree growing to about 15 feet tall, with large leathery leaves that are bluish-green, turning vibrant fall colors of gold, orange and red. In September and October you will harvest a big crop of large orange fruits with golden-orange flesh free of seeds. This tree is self-pollinating, so one gives a full harvest. After harvesting, the fruit should be left to become completely soft before eating, to remove the ‘fuzzy’ taste. Ripe flesh is soft, juicy and delicious, with a flavor reminiscent of pears and apricots. As well as eating fresh, it makes beautiful baked goods like muffins, and delicious preserves and jams.
Full sun is best for the Tanenashi Japanese Persimmon Tree, and it will grow in almost all well-drained soil. Adding organic material when planting, and as annual mulch, is good for this tree. Water deeply during long drought periods. Normally free of pests and diseases it doesn’t even need pruning to crop well. It needs very few chilling hours and crops well even in the hottest parts of the country.
Botanical Name:
Diospyros kaki ‘Hiratanenashi'
Mature Width:
8-10 ft
Mature Height:
12-15 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 7-10
Sun Needs:
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Flower Color:
Flowering Season: