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Zones 5–9

Weeping Blue Lebanon Cedar

Cedrus libani 'Glauca Pendula'

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Weeping Blue Lebanon Cedar

Cedrus libani 'Glauca Pendula'

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For a unique and beautiful large evergreen tree, choose the Weeping Blue Lebanon Cedar. Growing as much as 18 inches a year when young, it soon becomes a striking specimen. This is an upright tree, with long, irregular branches that have pendulous side branches. It grows into a large tree, reaching 30 feet or more in time, and spreading close to 20 feet across. Allow plenty of room for that future development when you plant it. It has a thick trunk and dark, deeply-furrowed bark, giving it real ‘presence’ in your garden. The needles are long and cover the stems densely, and they are green with a bluish hue. The main branches grow out in an irregular way, so each tree has a unique profile, and doesn’t develop into a neat cone of regular branches – it’s much more exciting than that. The Lebanon Cedar is the hardiest of all the true Cedars, and will grow in warmer parts of zone 5. There is confusion about the identity of this species – it is not a prostrate, weeping plant like the weeping blue Atlantic cedar, with which it is often confused.

  • Upright tree with an irregular branching pattern
  • Smaller side branches are pendulous
  • Green needles with a bluish hue
  • Wonderful specimen tree for a large lawn, or the back of big beds
  • Hardy even in zone 5

In full sun is the best place for your Weeping Blue Lebanon Cedar, and plant it in any well-drained soil. This species is less particular about soil than other cedars, and will grow happily in alkaline soils and in clay soils, but the soil must be well-drained. It also grows well in rocky, gravel soils, especially if you enrich them with compost to give your tree a good start. Established plants are very drought tolerant, and this tree thrives in areas that are hot and dry in summer. Deer don’t bother it and pests or diseases are rarely ever problems. Keep a single leading stem for as long as possible, shortening back any branches that are equal to or taller than the main stem. This will ensure a strong, storm-resistant tree that will live for many decades.


Botanical Name:

Cedrus libani 'Glauca Pendula'

Mature Width:

12-18 ft

Mature Height:

20-30 ft

Grows Well In:

Zones 5-9

Zone Map

Sun Needs:

Full Sun

Water Needs:


Growth Rate:


Flowering Season:
